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Gold Necklace NZ

Jewellery is an ancient pastime, stretching back to the paleolithic era and perhaps even further. Humans have always chosen to adorn themselves with ornamental decorations, for a variety of reasons. Jewellery has, in the past and still today, served religious, ceremonial, funerary or even magical purposes – it is truly diverse, with rich origins and historical context that adds flavour to how we in the west wear it today, even if some of these purposes have been lost to our atheistic, material culture. For although today it can be almost guaranteed that no one puts on a piece of jewellery for the mystical, spiritual or ethereal properties it is imbued with, a Gold Necklace from NZ’s own Max Wilson Diamond Jewellers will make the wearer look and feel absolutely magical and that is what why strive to achieve when creating our beautiful necklaces and pendants.

Buy Gold Pendants NZ

Max Wilson Diamond Jewellers is the perfect place to Buy Gold Pendants in NZ. Our gold is top quality, of excellent caratage, while the designs into which it is fashioned by our artisanal jewellers are tasteful and exquisite. Creative, authentic, and gorgeous are all words which could be used to accurately describe our necklaces and pendants, as well as the rest of Max Wilson Diamond Jewellers’ beautiful range of jewellery products. Do not hesitate to visit our online store today and browse our large collection of incredible pieces.

Gold - some facts

Gold has a rich, vibrant, often bloody history. Though having no practical use (at all) until the invention of microchip circuitry some time in the 20th century, cultures since the beginning of human history have placed inordinate value on the substance for its striking appearance and apparently inherent connotations of status and excellence. Indeed, its shiny yellow nature was representative of the sun itself for many a people, and as the sun is the giver of life, gold became elevated in these cultures and was viewed in high regard.

While a large portion of the world does not continue to revere the sun in this way, gold continues to enjoy immense status the world over – there is scarcely a place on this magnificent planet of ours where the wearing of Gold Pendants or a Gold Necklace in NZ or anywhere else, fails to evoke strong emotions. So it is also with our diamond jewellery.

The wearer may be considered important due to the ornamenting of themselves with such a piece. They may be seen as striking, beautiful, and courageous, depending on what connotations those who view them have associated with this curious alloy. They may simply be considered rich, and for some that is enough. At any rate, despite its extremely limited practical uses, golds figurative uses and evocative effects appear to be boundless.


Gold jewellery can come in a multitude of colours – this is achieved by mixing the alloy with other metals, and this may be done for aesthetic or material reasons. The alloying process (e.g. the mixing of other metals with pure 24 carat gold) allows the colour of gold to be changed to produce a number of resplendent hues, while also increasing the durability (and minimizing the malleability) of the metal. It is for reasons such as these, and more, that people love to wear, on their body, a Gold Necklace, in NZ as well as in the rest of the world.

White gold, which in this modern age is one of the most sought after metal amalgamations for the creation of wedding bands is alchemized through the alloying of white metals such as silver or palladium with pure 24 carat gold. The surface strength and sheen can be complemented by the introduction of metal, namely rhodium.

Rose gold is created via the infusing of copper, with the result of a lovely pink complexion that is taking the jewellery industry by storm, and has for some time. Black gold is created through introducing cobalt oxide to the gold base for a creation that is as unique as it is spectacular. All of these fantastic colours can be imbued in a Gold Necklace in NZ for you and your loved ones today.

Our Selection

Below are just some of the pieces that we at Max Wilson Diamond Jewellers have to offer. If anything takes your fancy, give us a call on (06) 357 8696 or visit our online store to Buy Gold Pendants in NZ today!

It is imperative to us here at Max Wilson Diamond Jewellers that we consistently deliver you the best when it comes to quality – in our gemstones, in our necklaces, in our pendants, earrings and wedding bands, is exquisite craftsmanship, elegant design, taste, and of course the materials used to make such pieces are of the highest order.


At Max Wilson, gold means Gold, and diamond means Diamond – we do not joke, kidd or mince words regarding the condition, the standard, the calibre of our jewellery. Every piece is made with passion, care and precision, each source of high grade material pursued to the ends of the earth if need be, just so that we may fashion you a ring or some other excellent, exotic ornamentation.

Contact Us

For the best selection of Gold Pendants and Gold Necklaces that NZ has to offer, head on over to Max Wilson Diamond Jewellers’ website or store today! As well as a stunning collection of gold jewellery necklaces, our wedding bands, watches, earrings and other precious pieces simply cannot be beat. Give us a call on (06) 357 8696 and Buy Gold Pendants in NZ today!